Kaltjiti Arts

Kathy Maringka 236-22
Kathy Maringka, Tjulpun-tjulpunpa - Desert Wildflowers, 2022, acrylic on linen, 150 x 120 cm

Fregon, APY Lands, SA

Language group: Pitjantjatjara

Kaltjiti Arts is one of oldest art centres in the APY Lands. Located in Fregon, the community was original built to service the sheep and cattle pastoralists in the region. Many of the older people recount stories of working on the early sheep, and later cattle, stations, back before vehicles were readily available.

Senior female artists include Matjangka Norris, Kathy Maringka, Manyitjanu Lennon, Imitjala Curley and Tjangili George.

Senior male artists include Witjiti George, Taylor Cooper, and the late Robin Kankapankatja.

Emerging artists include Carolanne Ken, Carol Stevens, Dennis Hatches, Madeline Curley Unurupa, Meredith Treacle and Kani George Angela.


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