Claudia Larissa Artz > Riverside

Riverside Claudia Larissa Artz Visit Artist page We are very pleased to present three of Claudia Larissa Artz’s recent series on paper in this exhibition, Riverside. The title of the show was inspired by Artz’s connection to the Rhine in her native Cologne; its banks and flowing water offer her the space she needs to […]
Claudia Larissa Artz > Paintings & works on paper

Between mind & heart Claudia Larissa Artz Visit Artist page Claudia Larissa Artz is a German artist who lives and works in Cologne. She undertook her art studies at the Kunstakadamie Düsseldorf, graduating as a Meisterschülerin (‘master apprentice’) of Swiss abstract artist, Prof. Helmut Federle. In the intervening decade, Artz has continued to evolve her […]
Claudia Larissa Artz > Lob des Raumes

Lob des Raumes Claudia Larissa Artz Visit Artist page Claudia Larissa Artz continues her investigation into the concepts of surface (texture) and line (space) with this series of pigments and watercolour on paper, LOB DES RAUMES II (für Platon) / IN PRAISE OF THE SPACE II (for Plato). In these recent works inspired by Plato’s theories, […]