Claudia Larissa Artz > Riverside

Riverside Claudia Larissa Artz Visit Artist page We are very pleased to present three of Claudia Larissa Artz’s recent series on paper in this exhibition, Riverside. The title of the show was inspired by Artz’s connection to the Rhine in her native Cologne; its banks and flowing water offer her the space she needs to […]
Michael Hafftka > Portraits

Portraits Michael Hafftka Visit Artist page Portraiture has been an important part of Michael Hafftka’s painting practice since he started in the 1980s. While most non-portraitists will attempt the odd one from time to time (or abandon the genre altogether), Hafftka returns to it again and again. Where his figurative works allow him to explore […]
Cosima Hawemann > Landscreen

Landscreen Cosima Hawemann Visit Artist page Cosima Hawemann’s chosen title for this exhibition is as provocative as it is evocative. She rarely provides a prescriptive artist statement about her work, preferring instead to give a few key concepts and leaving the interpretation to the viewer, knowing that the interpretation will be influenced by the viewer’s […]
Michael Hafftka > Remembering Stéphane Janssen

Portrait of a Collector Michael Hafftka Visit Artist page In September 2020, the artworld lost a great collector of contemporary art, Stéphane Janssen. For the past 20 years, I have been fascinated by what drives collectors and why they build the collections that they do, so it was a privilege to get to know this […]
Claudia Larissa Artz > Paintings & works on paper

Between mind & heart Claudia Larissa Artz Visit Artist page Claudia Larissa Artz is a German artist who lives and works in Cologne. She undertook her art studies at the Kunstakadamie Düsseldorf, graduating as a Meisterschülerin (‘master apprentice’) of Swiss abstract artist, Prof. Helmut Federle. In the intervening decade, Artz has continued to evolve her […]
Michele Morcos > breathe landscapes

breathe landscapes Michele Morcos Visit Artist page [NB The images for this exhibition have been removed, with the exception of three pieces which remain as examples. Edited 12 November 2022.] It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to the work of an old art school friend of mine, Michele Morcos. Michele and I entered […]
Claudia Larissa Artz > Lob des Raumes

Lob des Raumes Claudia Larissa Artz Visit Artist page Claudia Larissa Artz continues her investigation into the concepts of surface (texture) and line (space) with this series of pigments and watercolour on paper, LOB DES RAUMES II (für Platon) / IN PRAISE OF THE SPACE II (for Plato). In these recent works inspired by Plato’s theories, […]
Group exhibition @ Trifolion, Luxembourg

In the footsteps of our ancestors Contemporary Australian Aboriginal art in conversation with Renaissance-style gilded sculptures from South Tyrol, Italy. The two groups of artists may be separated by 15,000 km, but they share a similar history of knowledge and skills being passed down through the generations. By bringing Aboriginal painting into conversation with an […]
Michael Hafftka > Monotypes

Monotypes Michael Hafftka Visit Artist page After a break of 14 years, Michael Hafftka is back at the press! When I remarked that his prints look like the work of a painter – in that they are very painterly – Hafftka attributed that to not being fussy about the plate or process like a traditional […]
Michael Hafftka > In the shadow of the Holocaust

In the shadow of the Holocaust Michael Hafftka Visit Artist page THIS EXHIBITION IS ACCOMPANIED BY A VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH THE ARTIST: Michael Hafftka on the shadow of the Holocaust. (> Artist page) On 9-10 November 1938, the Nazis began their systematic persecution of Jews throughout Germany in what became known as Kristallnacht (the Night […]
Cosima Hawemann > MirrorrorriM

MirrorrirroM Cosima Hawemann Visit Artist page Cosima Hawemann’s exhibition MirrorrorriM opens with a painting of a woman looking at herself in a large, round mirror: “… a woman looks at herself in a mirror which she holds in her right hand. It is not a small hand mirror, but rather a wall mirror. She reaches […]
Michael Hafftka > Figurative Paintings

Figurative Paintings Michael Hafftka Visit Artist page We are pleased to present a selection of figurative paintings by Michael Hafftka. Hafftka has said that growing up in the concrete jungle of New York, the human figure was the most natural thing in his environment and so he was drawn to it. His figures originate in his visions […]
Artz, Schmidt & Digon > House17 Luxembourg

Taking shape. The language of abstraction & realism. CLAUDIA LARISSA ARTZ (GERMANY), CHRISTIANE GERDA SCHMIDT (GERMANY), EGON DIGON (ITALY) VENUE: HOUSE17, LUXEMBOURG Throughout time, art has broadly fallen into two main styles: abstract and realistic. Under each stylistic umbrella are many variations in approach and ideology. Artists constantly push the boundaries of artistic expression in […]